Inca Gold Organics

Quinoa Pancakes



  1. In a blender, first add the quinoa and blend at high speed until seeds become ground and more like a coarse flour. 
  2. Then add all other ingredients and blend to a liquid.  The mixture should be smooth and pour easily.  If it is too thick, just add more water or milk until you can easily pour the batter out of the blender. 
  3. Heat a non-stick pan to medium and lightly spray with olive oil or butter.  Once heated, pour in the batter to make your pancakes, turn to medium-low, and cook for 3-4 minutes on each side. 
  4. Serve with maple syrup, fresh fruit, or perhaps some homemade chia jam!

Quinoa Pancakes

Ingredients: For the cake:

1 cup white quinoa

1 egg

1 cup milk or water

1 tsp sugar (optional)

1 tsp vanilla (optional)

Pinch of salt

Pinch of cinnamon

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